Why we do what we do
– Commitment to UN Sustainable Goals and Charitable giving

Hassell Inclusion do what we do because of our commitment to 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Hassell Inclusion is a family owned business. Our Directors have a background in both public and third sector service. 

Giving to public benefit and charitable causes has been a core value for Hassell Inclusion since its inception. Our passions combine Ethiopia (where Rosnah Hassell was born) with enabling access to education, work & transformational services for those with disabilities.

Currently, Hassell Inclusion supports the work of:

  • 1. Rosnah Hassell talking about Ethiopiaid

    [Rosnah is standing at the top of a hill in Ethiopia, wearing an Ethiopiaid t-shirt]

    Rosnah >> Hello, my name is Rosnah Hassell. I came out to Ethiopia with Ethiopiaid. And I’ve just been so impressed by all the different projects that they support. The way that they take people all the way through their journey, so that they are taken through education, into careers, into work, so that they have a life in the future, not just for themselves, but for their families. And if anybody’s thinking of coming on one of these trips, or just supporting Ethiopiaid, I would say please do, your money could not go to a better place.

  • 2. The transformational impact of access to services for people with disabilities

    [Patrick is in his family’s hut]

    Voiceover >> Patrick is 15 years old. He was born deaf, in this remote region of northern Uganda there are no schools for deaf children. In his whole life, Patrick’s never had a conversation.

    Reporter >> [signing to him] Hello. Good?

    Voiceover >> His father, Charles, looks after him. They’re only able to communicate through very basic gestures.

    Charles (translated from spoken language) >> If I spoke to him as I am speaking right now, he doesn’t understand, but I can do like this… [he raises his hand] and point at him to get the hoe so that he goes to the garden.

    Voiceover >> We’ve been sitting here talking about Patrick in front of him and, while he’s been watching us, he doesn’t understand what we’re saying. It feels almost rude, but this is what Patrick’s life is like all the time.

    Voiceover >> I’m here with someone who wants to change all that. Raymond Okelo is deaf himself and a sign language teacher.

    Reporter >> Do you think he could learn sign language?

    Raymond (translated from signing) >> I think I can teach him easily. In the past I was also like him. I couldn’t use sign language. The only thing I could do was hide in fear.

    Reporter >> This is pretty much Patrick’s existence – his father gestures to him what he wants him to do and when he’s finished he goes back to his hut to spend the rest of the day on his own.

    Voiceover >> Patrick’s fate is not unusual. The majority of deaf people in Sub-Saharan Africa have never been taught sign language. Unable to communicate with others, they’re trapped in their own minds.

    Voiceover >> Raymond became deaf as a child after a bout of malaria. Six months ago he travelled to the capital for intensive training in sign language.

    [Raymond is setting up chairs in a classroom]

    Voiceover >> Now he has returned to his village to do something unprecedented – he’s going to teach the first sign language course ever set up here.

    Reporter >> Raymond, are you nervous?

    Raymond (translated from signing) >> No, I’m not. I am happy that deaf people will be coming to learn

    Voiceover >> It is two o’clock, the first deaf students start turning up and class begins.

    Reporter >> The course has already started but Patrick hasn’t turned up yet, and I’m worried that his father couldn’t convince him to leave home.

    Voiceover >> A few minutes later, Patrick arrives.

    [Patrick sits in a seat, and looks uncomfortable, like he doesn’t want to be there]

    [Raymond, at the front of the class, points to a picture of a cow on a poster and makes the sign for a cow. The people in the other chairs make the same sign. Patrick looks confused, looking between the picture and the signing.]

    [Raymond points at a rabbit, makes the sign and the people in the class also make the sign. Patrick’s eyes light up, and there’s the trace of a smile on his face as he looks at Raymond.]

    [Patrick start to grin, as Raymond points at a poster of sign language letter shapes. Raymond makes the sign, and Patrick does the same.]

    [Patrick is now signing with the rest of the students.]

    Reporter >> Patrick’s transformation is amazing. It’s almost impossible to believe it’s the same boy we met yesterday.

    Voiceover >> New deaf students keep arriving. Many have walked miles to be here. There’s a nine-year-old boy and an 80-year-old woman. Before the end of the class, each new student goes to the front. The class votes on a new name for them.

    [The name that they have chosen for Patrick is the sign for a smile]

    Voiceover >> This is now Patrick’s sign name and he will use it for the rest of his life. He has just been baptised into a whole new world.

Aligned to global initiatives Our commitment to the
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Organisations around the world are being encouraged by the UN to adopt a Sustainable Development Goal, often as part of their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. At Hassell Inclusion we have adopted 4 of these goals:

‘Reduced Inequalities (goal 10)’- This is the core value behind our mission of making sure that digital technologies do not exclude people with disabilities.

‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (goal 9)’ – Helping companies to put in place the right infrastructure to make their digital communications with their customers and staff accessible is at the heart of our services and the digital accessibility International Standards we wrote – ISO 3007-1. We work with many companies to help them understand the innovation possibilities that can come from this focus on the needs of people with disabilities.

‘Decent Work (goal 8)’ – People with disabilities should be able to access the economic and wellbeing benefits that come from being employed in meaningful work. This also helps countries deliver sustainable economic growth for all of their population. We support our clients’ DEI goals to welcome, nurture and grow the contributions of people with disabilities, throughout their employment. We help SAAS companies to make their digital tools accessible, to enable the organisations who use their tools to provide a more fully inclusive workplace.

‘Quality Education (goal 4)’ – We help those providing education to ensure it’s accessible for all learners, wherever they are, and whatever their abilities or disabilities, via our free webinars & resources, charitable giving and our own innovation research projects.

Accessibility Insights Great Ethiopia Run

In November 2018, Rosnah & Jonathan Hassell took part in the “Great Ethiopian Run” in Addis Ababa for Ethiopiaid, and visited some of the amazing local projects they support.

To find out more about their experience, and why Hassell Inclusion is so passionate in its support of the UN Sustainable Goals to reduce inequalities, read Jonathan’s blog of accessibility insights from the trip.