Why you need our best-selling books Most organizations are oblivious to, or terrified about, web accessibility
You may be aware that 20% of your customers – people with disabilities – could be clicking away from your websites or mobile apps every day, not having bought anything or found the information they wished to find.
You may have heard from one of this 20%, complaining about problems you can’t reproduce, and asking for what seem like impossible fixes.
Your web teams may have read the industry standard WCAG 2.0 guidelines, but found them impenetrable. Worse, your designers may claim the guidelines are a creative straightjacket that tells them everything they can’t do, but very little about why.
You may have heard that your organization could be sued if you don’t do the right thing, but you don’t know how far they need to go to prevent that.
And you don’t know if there’s anything in it for you other than risk mitigation.