From our January 2022 Digital Accessibility Experts Live Webinar Trends in Digital Accessibility for 2022 (POSTER)

If you’re interested in digital accessibility, you’ll want to be up to speed on the trends that are likely to influence your work over the next 12 months.
We’ve been predicting these trends for our clients for almost 10 years.
We shared our predictions for 2022 in our Digital Accessibility Experts Live webinar in January 2022. This poster summarises the top 10 trends.
Why it’s important…
Every year the pressure to get digital accessibility right increases, and more organisations working hard to do just that.
As consumer and business needs change, how does that impact inclusive design? How are changes in the technologies we use to consume the web, social media and marketing campaigns changing accessibility? What new Accessibility Standards are coming along to help you get it right. And how do you use the increased interest and commitment from organisations to accessibility to keep accelerating accessibility where you work?
The webinar tackled all these questions, in depth.
We’ve summarised 10 key trends that we think will influence digital accessibility this year in the poster here.
Print it out, put on the wall in your work area, and share it with your networks.
Together, we can make accessibility happen!
The Poster
Here’s an image of the poster. It has a brief alt-text summary. Click here for the full text of the poster
Download the poster
Here’s the PDF download of the poster.
We’d suggest you print it off and put it somewhere in your team space to remember the needs of your users who may be very different from you…
Feel free to share it freely with anyone who you think would appreciate it. Like the accessibility posters, we’ve made it available under a Creative Commons license which allows everyone to share, use and build upon the poster provided is is used non-commercially and keep the appropriate attributions (Hassell Inclusion and Creative Commons logos).
Want more?
If you want more accessibility content sign up to HiHub to gain access to our webinar archive
Check out our other accessibility posters:
- 5 key accessibility questions to ask when buying digital tools, sites or apps (POSTER),
- Creating e-learning that can be used by everyone (POSTER),
- How digital helps you create an Inclusive Workplace (POSTER),
- Dos and don’ts on designing for older people (POSTER)
Transcript of the text on the poster
Accessibility Tips: Trends in Digital Accessibility for 2022
- The number of people who need accessibility is growing. Driven by long-covid symptoms, and more vulnerable and older people now using tech after the pandemic.
- Consumer expectation is high. People expect accessible, seamless, hybrid experiences from meetings to conferences to shopping. From organisations that care.
- Accessibility is more than just websites. Think about accessibility throughout user journeys that go across digital channels, social, email and documents, even into physical stores.
- The legal pressure is on. Accessibility lawsuits are increasing, and regulators are increasing monitoring in both private and public sectors (against Equality Act, PSBAR, European Accessibility Act).
- Accessibility is now for more than a brand’s external interactions with customers. It’s internal too, for their staff and across their supply-chains.
- Accessibility as a skillset is increasingly in demand. The number of companies recruiting for accessibility roles is growing year by year, and the roles are becoming more senior.
- Overlays are out. Accessibility Maturity is in. Companies are investing in getting good at accessibility systematically (using ISO 30071-1), not in discredited “shortcuts”.
- Companies are valuing the diverse perspectives of staff with disabilities. Neurodiverse staff can bring innovation, but only when staff digital tools are accessible for all.
- Virtuous is the ‘new cool’ for companies – a core part of their brand values. And accessibility is key part of that mix.
- Accessibility will shift from crisis response to prevention. More sophisticated organisations are thinking about the real benefits of accessibility: business opportunity, brand image, and Return on Investment.