Most websites these days are created via some form of Content Management System (CMSes). There are lots out there. So how do you choose the most accessible one for you?
In my final blog on advances in the Accessibility Ecosystem in 2019 I complete the picture, discussing advances in: disabled people’s awareness of, access to, and training in using assistive…
The usual way of making images accessible for people who can't see them is to provide alternative text using the alt attribute of the element. However, in many websites, images…
After many years, it feels like the business case for accessibility and inclusive design is becoming better understood and acted upon in businesses. This is a clip from an interview…
There are many different ways to collect dates from users in website forms. But what's the best way to do that in a way that's accessible to everyone? In this…
At Hassell Inclusion we believe that each member of a digital development team has a role to play in ensuring that the products they create are accessible. However, often people don't…
At Hassell Inclusion we deliver a huge amount of accessibility training to organisations all over the world. Our Head of Training, Jon Gooday, has had the honour of training over…
Scope, the disability equality charity in England and Wales, asked us to help them make sure their new site worked for every single one of their users, and to demonstrate…
In our newsletter we share information about digital technology and how it can help people with disabilities and older people.