Lots of companies offer accessibility audits. Some have great pedigree, others are new to the stage. Some are expensive. Others are cheap. So, do you get what you pay for...?
Most organisations outsource site or app creation to digital agencies. They also procure digital tools for their staff. 5 questions can help assure delivery of accessibility by agencies and vendors...
Finding accessibility issues early helps avoid the costs of retrofitting accessibility after designs are coded. Here are the top 5 accessibility topics to look at in a design review...
What I’ve seen changing in accessibility over the last year, and how this could provide opportunities for organisations to do accessibility in better ways, for larger audiences, and greater returns...
How the popular Gherkin language, often used for defining user acceptance test scenarios, and integrates easily with many automation frameworks can be used to write accessibility acceptance tests for WCAG…
Since ISO 30071-1's launch, many people have asked me to summarise the Standard so they can quickly understand how it may help them. So here's a summary, in 71 seconds...
Digital accessibility is as important for your staff as for your customers and clients. Ensure your organisation helps them be productive & thrive with our poster of Workplace Inclusion tips...
To mark the first Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), here's a blog on how to write effective accessibility statements based on the guidance in BS 8878. Find out who the…
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