I'm delighted to announce that our 5 star-reviewed book on embedding accessibility into your business-as-usual processes is now available on Kindle. Those who have read it, love it. So if…
There is a strong link between inclusion, user-focus and the delivery of effective websites. Industry feedback suggests BS 8878 is enabling large and small businesses to produce effective websites, rather…
People arrive in accessibility from all sorts of directions. You don’t have to have a background in development, or testing. You could equally arrive from governance, user testing, or marketing.…
Your audience are the people who will make your site successful or not. They are your most important stakeholders, and your only way of managing them is to try to…
At CSUN 2012 this week, I’ll be presenting case studies of organisations which are implementing BS 8878 – the British web accessibility standard which gives organisations a framework to embed…
Today is World Usability Day. To celebrate I’m spending my day with User Vision in Edinburgh presenting on accessibility and BS8878 to audiences I don’t normally get the chance…
Why is embedding web accessibility into your organisation’s culture and processes so important? And what do organisations who have done this using BS 8878 say are the benefits? In this…
It’s becoming well recognised that neurodiverse employees bring different and beneficial skill sets to the workplace. Here Jonathan talks about why it’s so important that poor digital accessibility doesn’t…
In our newsletter we share information about digital technology and how it can help people with disabilities and older people.