Benefits of Digital Accessibility

  • 1.5 hours via Zoom
  • Laptop required
  • Bespoke price on application
  • Max. 15 attendees

A short workshop to help you build the case for, and put inclusion and accessibility right into the heart of your digital products, understand what it takes to embed this across your organisation, and how to use the benefits of digital accessibility to meet your organisation’s business goals.

You can attend a public workshop, or we can deliver a bespoke workshop for you either on site or remotely.

Please read our Public Training Terms & Conditions. If you have any difficulties in booking via Eventbrite, please contact us to book or ask any questions.

You will learn how to...

Create a bespoke plan to address your organisation’s barriers to digital accessibility and the benefits that will bring

  • what are the business benefits that organisations and their clients can gain from thinking strategically about accessibility?
  • which of these could help your organisation achieve its business goals
  • which stakeholders in your organisation do you need to convince to get buy-in to move forward in accessibility
  • mapping out a course to achieve your accessibility goals

Who is it for?

Suitable for senior technology leaders and digital product owners who want to know: how to assess the potential benefits of digital accessibility, and how and where to best invest to realise those benefits.


To you

  • See case studies of how leaders in accessibility have motivated, driven and delivered accessibility across their organisations
  • Speak with experts about the best next steps for your accessibility journey

To your organisation

  • An informed perspective on what your organisation has to gain from accessibility, whether you are B2B, B2C, creating customer-facing apps or staff-facing tools
  • Kick start for the creation of your organisation's Digital Accessibility Policy and plan
  • To achieve your identified benefits
  • A key step on your journey to becoming ISO 30071-1 Ready



  • You must have completed our free Digital Accessibility Maturity scorecard for your organisation
  • General knowledge of your organisation's digital production processes, and how businesses make decisions in what aspects of digital product creation to invest in


  • Laptop required for Zoom

Meet one of our trainersAbout Jonathan

Jonathan is one of the world's top digital usability & accessibility thought leaders. He has over 20 years’ experience in identifying new directions and challenges in digital accessibility, finding best practice process and technology solutions, authoring international standards and presenting best practices to conference audiences across the world. He delivered the International Accessibility Standard ISO 30071-1 in 2019, which is based on the British Accessibility Standards BS 8878 that …

Find out more about Jonathan

Jonathan's latest thought leadership

Jonathan Hassell

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