Building an Accessibility Centre of Excellence

In 2023 many organisations are getting serious about accessibility. After public commitments from senior leaders, they often recruit someone to create an Accessibility Centre of Excellence (ACE) to embed accessibility throughout the organisation.

This makes perfect sense. However, the skills needed to be an Accessibility Strategist and Leader are different from those needed to be an Accessibility Specialist. We’ve helped many Heads of Accessibility make this transition, from testing for accessibility and fixing it in products, to working with teams all over the company to embed motivation and structured delivery of accessibility in all the work they do.

In this webinar, we share things we’ve learned as we’ve helped organisations like ServiceNow and HSBC develop and invest in their ACE.

We look at the process of initiating and optimising an ACE all the way through, from getting buy-in, funding and momentum, benchmarking and building a plan, building accessibility into team capabilities and processes, and reporting on its return on investment on stakeholders, following the blueprint in ISO 30071-1 which our CEO wrote.

Whether you’re new to building your ACE or want to take an established one to the next level, this hour will help you make and accelerate your plans.

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Find your accessibility maturity score…

If you don’t know where you are, how can you plan for where you’re going? Based on Standard ISO 30071-1, discover your organisations’s Digital Accessibility Maturity score today to:

  • gain clarity on where the gaps are in your accessibility practices,
  • receive personalised advice based on your result on how to improve your score in each of 9 dimensions of accessibility maturity, and
  • stop wasting your time and money focusing on the wrong things…

Take the Scorecard and get in touch to talk to us about your results.

If you’ve only got 1 hour a month to improve your digital accessibility knowledge, spend it with us! Digital Accessibility Experts Live

Come and join us at our free monthly webinar:

Upcoming webinars:

  • 24th April – ‘How to build strong accessibility capability across your organisation’
  • 22nd May – ‘Accessibility Nightmares: From Digital Disaster to Inclusive Triumph’