Ask me anything 2023: Q&A with Jonathan Hassell

Every year we invite you to ask our CEO Jonathan Hassell to answer your accessibility questions. With 23 years of experience in accessibility, at technical and strategic levels, Jonathan can answer almost anything accessibility related.

This year, he was also joined by Usman Afzal – one of our Web Developer trainers – who answered technical questions.

Between the two of them they answered 23 accessibility questions, including:

  • How to include people with disabilities in user-research
  • How to encourage employers to be more digitally accessible
  • What’s new in WCAG 2.2
  • What’s different in accessibility for mobile apps vs. websites
  • Accessibility in Product Management Strategy
  • Accessibility in your Organisation’s strategy and policies
  • Where to find the latest trends in accessibility

Find your answers in the video here – we’ve added chapters to the video so you can browse and jump straight to the answer you’re looking for (think of them like headings on a web page).

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HiHub is your home for exclusive access to resources, tools and tips about digital accessibility and inclusion, from Hassell Inclusion.

Membership of HiHub is free and gives you full access to our webinar video archive (over 3 days free training!), downloads & guidance to help you on your accessibility journey whether you’re: an advocate for diversity and inclusion; your organisation’s accessibility lead; a product or campaign manager; or a member of a team creating sites and apps.

Need Content Author accessibility training?

Enables content authors to understand accessibility principles, and how to author accessible text, images and media, making best use of the accessibility features available in authoring tools, such as Content Management Systems (e.g. AEM), Social Media (e.g. YouTube), and document creation systems (e.g. PDF creation)

If you’ve only got 1 hour a month to improve your digital accessibility knowledge, spend it with us! Digital Accessibility Experts Live

Come and join us at our free monthly webinar:

Upcoming webinars:

  • 24th April – ‘How to build strong accessibility capability across your organisation’
  • 22nd May – ‘Accessibility Nightmares: From Digital Disaster to Inclusive Triumph’