Accessibility Personalisation: The Pros & Cons of Different Techniques (and Overlays)
What do you think when you see one of those accessibility personalisation widgets on a website?
That it’s such an old way of doing accessibility? That the website owner got conned by an accessibility overlay vendor?
Or, that this is finally a website you can easily use, without having to be an expert in the finer workings of browser or operating system accessibility settings?
If you’re one of the huge number of people who are really confused about accessibility personalisation, you are not alone.
In this webinar we brought together our years of research into accessibility personalisation, and some reputable personalisation vendors, to talk it through…
Find out:
- the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly about overlays
- why relying on users to know about accessibility settings in the browser or operating system might not be a good policy
- why the creators of a great accessibility widget have got so many valued customers
- how Dark Mode helps save energy
- why Smart SVGs could be the solution to getting your logo and infographics to look good in Dark Mode