Exploring the intersection between D&I and Digital Accessibility

Diversity & Inclusion strategies often neglect a focus on accessibility as a way of delivering inclusion for staff with disabilities.

Accessibility strategies often neglect a focus on staff, concentrating just on customers with disabilities.

People in each of the two disciplines often miss their common aims, by not doing enough to understand each other.

Our CEO Jonathan Hassell is joined by Diversity & Inclusion expert Toby Mildon, to explore the overlap between D&I and accessibility and show how together they can help drive a cohesive inclusion strategy.

Jonathan and Toby have worked together frequently over the years. In this webinar each shares what they have learned from the other that has shaped the way they approach their jobs. They discuss what the disciplines have in common, the language of D&I, and where they accessibility and D&I can support and help each other.

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HiHub is your home for exclusive access to resources, tools and tips about digital accessibility and inclusion, from Hassell Inclusion.

Membership of HiHub is free and gives you full access to our webinar video archive, downloads & guidance to help you on your accessibility journey whether you’re: an advocate for diversity and inclusion; your organisation’s accessibility lead; a product or campaign manager; or a member of a team creating sites and apps.

How digital helps you create an Inclusive Workplace Poster

Want more on Workplace Inclusion?

If you’d like to find out more about workplace inclusion, watch short videos of our consultants talking through the 10 essential parts in the employment journey to enable staff with disabilities to thrive.

You can also download our free poster of the steps to remind you to at every point in the employee journey.

If you’ve only got 1 hour a month to improve your digital accessibility knowledge, spend it with us! Digital Accessibility Experts Live

Come and join us at our free monthly webinar:

Upcoming webinars:

  • 24th April – ‘How to build strong accessibility capability across your organisation’
  • 22nd May – ‘Accessibility Nightmares: From Digital Disaster to Inclusive Triumph’