Empowering organisations globally to embed digital accessibility

Why Digital Inclusion?

At Hassell Inclusion we’re passionate about digital accessibility.

It’s about enabling inclusive web and app user experiences for everyone.

So why should you care about inclusion?

Take these 100 ordinary people…

  • 6 may have difficulty hearing this video
  • 11 may have difficulty reading or even seeing the words
  • 4 may have difficulty using a mouse
  • 18 are likely to be older and may be developing a mixture of all these difficulties
  • And these 5 people who are colour blind and can’t see the colours of these dots like everyone else, so may miss some of the information

Many more may not have an impairment but they will care about someone who does: children, parents, siblings, or a friend.

Or you may have a temporary impairment and use voice recognition if you’ve broken your arm, or when you’re cooking.

People, just like you and me, who can’t finish their online shop, research their family holiday, or do their banking on their phone.

At Hassell Inclusion we’re experts in digital accessibility.

We help you to not just fix a problem, but to embed solutions in your organisation.

Hassell Inclusion – access for everyone.

At Hassell Inclusion we’re passionate about removing barriers in digital technology, making it accessible to everyone.

That’s why we work with you to activate and embed digital accessibility into both your organisation and products (such as websites and mobile apps), to help you meet your business goals.

Summary of key report findings including: 12million over-65s in the UK, 63p in every pound will be spent by then by 2040, they currently spend £163 a month online on average, 60% of over-65s have good or more confidence level online, but 81% say they have frustrations, 11% of over-65s say they would spend more if websites and apps were easier to use

Find out more about your 'Golden Opportunity' Are you serving the needs of older online customers?

Our populations are ageing. The retirement age is being pushed back in most countries. And the over-70s are the UK’s most online adults after twentysomethings, with considerable spending power.

So it is essential that the digital needs of older people are considered when creating websites, mobile apps and digital workplace tools.

In late 2023 we conducted research into the digital preferences, needs and online activities of 1,296 over-65s in the UK.

Our report details findings such as: Which services do they engage with online? How easy do they find using them? And how much more would they spend online if sites and apps took their needs fully into account?

Get actionable insights to help your organisation engage this sizeable demographic, and convert them into loyal, satisfied customers.

If you’ve only got 1 hour a month to improve your digital accessibility knowledge, spend it with us! Digital Accessibility Experts Live

Come and join us at our free monthly webinar:

Upcoming webinars:

  • 24th October, 4pm – ‘Accessibility & AI’
  • 21st November 4pm – ‘Work harder or Work smarter? How to Optimise Your Accessibility Strategy’
  • 19 December – ‘How can you be a good employer if your intranet (and digital tools) sucks?’

How can digital accessibility help you meet your business goals? What’s your ISO 30071-1 Digital Accessibility Maturity Score?

If you don’t know where you are, how can you plan for where you’re going?

Based on the new Standard ISO 30071-1, discover your organisations’s Digital Accessibility Maturity score today using our free Scorecard, to:

  • gain clarity on where the gaps are in your accessibility practices,
  • receive personalised advice based on your result on how to improve your score in each of 9 dimensions of accessibility maturity, and
  • stop wasting your time and money focusing on the wrong things…


What’s the current State of Accessibility Maturity?

With so many organisations publicly committed to accessibility,
why is the delivery of accessibility so inconsistent?

Our research report – An Immature Response? Why organisations are failing to build digitally accessible product and services – reveals what’s hampering accessibility progress:

  • 47% of organisations do not have a digital accessibility lead at board level
  • 35% of organisations involved in our research said they would launch digital products with known accessibility issues
  • Just 14% check that digital products created for them by external suppliers meet their accessibility requirements
  • Just 5% of organisations deliver digital accessibility training across all employees

What Our Clients Say

  • Bequeathed: We already had an audit with lots of things we ought to do. It didn't say what to do in terms of what we needed to achieve. We needed an expert to help us define what our accessibility objective was, to work with us on a plan to actually achieve this goal, and to provide the appropriate support during the project. What we really liked about Hassell Inclusion was that they changed our culture - training and supporting us to make accessibility part and parcel of how we approach our workload, not just during the project timeframe, but for the future...
    Pier Thomas, Chief Operating Officer, Bequeathed
  • Tearfund: Working with Hassell Inclusion enabled us to really understand the user experience and business impact of accessibility issues on our sites, and to fix them. It was a great-value, informative and worthwhile experience.
    Hannah Graham, Head of Digital, Tearfund
  • Galaxkey: The advantage of working with Hassell Inclusion was their executives understand the software development process. This made the entire experience seamless for our team to understand and then implement. The last thing any software product company needs is to redesign everything. But the solutions provided by Hassell were easy to implement and super practical.
    CEO, Galaxkey
  • Global brand: We’re always eager to learn from organisations that inspire us. So we were excited about Jonathan bringing us his experience from the BBC. The lunch & learn and workshop were extremely useful and insightful in opening our eyes to what we had to gain from accessibility. It was a great start to helping us incorporate accessibility within our ways of working.
    UX designer, Global brand
  • Payfont: We were delighted to work with the creators of BS 8878 to achieve our goal of compliance with such a crucial standard to include our missing 20% of users - in tandem this has allowed us to implement a solid foundation on which we can continue to develop our commitment to our wider and longer term accessibility and usability aims within our products. Throughout, it was a pleasure working with Jonathan and his team to achieve this.
    Sophie Lanc, Head of Creative Technologies, Payfont
  • Scope: Because of Hassell Inclusion’s comprehensive accessibility training, we now have a team who are far more confident on how to deliver accessible digital experiences. Our new in-house expertise means in future we can test the accessibility of all of Scope’s digital platforms without having to pay for outside help.
    Ceri Balston, Head of Digital, Scope
  • BBC: Jonathan was a pleasure to work with at the BBC. I enjoyed my time with him and he always delivered. Even under the enormous budgetary & experience challenges we faced together.
    Richard Titus, (Forrmer) Head of User Experience & Design, BBC
  • Reflex Arc: When we started working with Hassell Inclusion to help students with communication difficulties, I never thought it would give me experience and skills that would help me create innovative mainstream VR experiences for the likes of Reebok. This is where thinking differently has got us. It’s been quite a journey...
    Richard England, Director, Reflex Arc

Who We Have Helped

  • Scope
  • Mirum
  • New Look
  • Science Museum
  • Canon
  • Google
  • HSBC
  • BBC
  • Argos
  • Pearson
  • AnalogFolk
  • The Telegraph